
Dear Visitor, if upon reading any of the information contained on this site, you have any questions about The Gabriel Project, please don’t hesitate to contact me at


Personal Message from the host of this site:

How could anyone be more important than a child, even while still within his or her mother’s womb? How can we not assist a child-bearing mother in need?

The Gabriel Project is a national parish-based pregnancy assistance resource. Our concerns go beyond being assured that a child’s life has been spared or that a mom has been provided with initial baby items. A Gabriel Project parish’s concerns go beyond serving its own parishioners and its parish’s boundaries. We seek to serve all pregnant mothers in need regardless of their personal situation, the size of their family, their age or their baby’s gestational stage.

I have attempted to express my sentiments in these regards with the following writings:

I could never tire of expounding on the magnificence of service this ministry offers to pregnant mothers in need – in the Name of Christ Jesus, through Whom all life is created.

I have been so blessed to be able to participate in this special ministry, thanks be to God.

Fredi D’Alessio (initial coordinator for The Gabriel Project of the Archdiocese of San Francisco) Email:

Photo courtesy of the Archdiocese of San Francisco


You can be an angel and your parish can be a host of angels. Read the summary about the project below and contact us if you’d like to join the Gabriel Team. REFER TO THE LIST OF PARTICIPATING DIOCESES IN THE SIDEBAR OF THIS PAGE.

Click here to read an open letter to all Catholics. The purpose of this letter is to explain why every Catholic should to some degree participate in The Gabriel Project.

In the video below, San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone presents The Gabriel Project in his Annual Appeal. The Gabriel Project segment begins at 1:24 and ends at 4:56 minutes.


The Gabriel Project

A parish-based ministry to support pregnant mothers and their unborn children:

In the Gospel of Luke, the Angel Gabriel told Mary the good news that a child would be born and that she was to be the Mother of our Savior. When she asked, “How can this be?” the angel told her not to be afraid for “nothing is impossible with God.” The Gabriel Project announces the same comforting message to frightened pregnant mothers: Fear not, for God is with you! Nothing is impossible with God.

Through The Gabriel Project, parishes embrace each pregnant woman who comes to them as their daughter, sister, and friend. Using signs, pamphlets, car decals and a toll free hotline, we make it known that help is available. When a woman calls for help, the phone-line volunteer contacts The Gabriel Project Coordinator, who is a parishioner of the Church closest to where she lives. A trained mentor, one of the parish’s Gabriel Angels, is assigned responsibility for ongoing contact with the mother throughout her pregnancy and somewhat beyond. The parish community assists with unconditional love. Through them, mothers receive the spiritual, material and emotional support needed during pregnancy.

Parishes often seek out ways to make themselves visible to the community and to be recognized as caring Christians who not only pray for their neighbors, but also extend them a loving and helping hand. The Gabriel Project is a marvelous way to show the community that your parish cares about pregnant women in need and that there is no reason for any mother within its boundaries to contemplate abortion.


Following the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973 which made abortion legally permissible in all the States, the Rev. Msgr. John Perusina, late pastor of St. Michael Parish on Sage Road, Houston, put a sign outside his church which conveyed the parish’s commitment to provide immediate practical help to mothers with unplanned pregnancies who come to them for aid.

That was the beginning of The Gabriel Project. In 1990, Cathy McConn from Houston and her friend, Rex Moses from Corpus Christi, saw the sign, and The Gabriel Project was developed throughout the Galveston-Houston and the Corpus Christi dioceses. It has since spread throughout the country.

On November 12, 2002, the thirtieth anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) published a statement in which they asserted: “Our firm conviction as Catholics that life must be protected with the utmost care from the moment of conception has been a part of the Church’s constant witness since the Apostolic age and has inspired millions to defend human life at every stage.”

In this same statement the bishops said, “We renew our offer of assistance to anyone considering abortion: If you are overwhelmed by the decisions you face, if you cannot afford medical care, if you are homeless or feel helpless, whatever your needs, we will help you. The Church and her ministries, inspired by the word and example of Jesus Christ, will help you with compassion and without condemnation.”

In the USCCB’s Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities, the bishops stated: “Respect for human life compels us to reach out to those with special needs. With the support of the faith community, Catholic organizations and agencies provide pastoral services and care for pregnant women, especially those who are vulnerable to abortion and who would otherwise find it difficult or impossible to obtain high-quality medical care.”

After listing a number of programs, the bishops noted that “Parishes are also increasingly providing pregnancy assistance. Such services are sometimes available within the parish; at other times, the parish program links those needing help to local services. Even when pregnancies do not involve particular challenges, encouragement and support should be given to couples who have conceived a child. In a culture that often gives negative messages regarding parenthood, it is important that our parishes celebrate the gift of new life.” They also noted that one of the objectives of the “parish pro-life committee” should be to “develop or adopt, where feasible, a parish-based ministry to pregnant women and their children.”

In the USSCB document, A People of Life and a People for Life: An Invitation, The Gabriel Project is listed among a number of suggested programs: “Begin a parish-based ministry to pregnant women and their children. The Gabriel Project, developed in the Diocese of Galveston-Houston, is excellent and is spreading across the nation. Volunteers in the parish are trained to help a woman through her pregnancy – with practical assistance, spiritual and emotional guidance, and help in accessing needed services.”

On August 24, 2009, Archbishop George Niederauer highly commended The Gabriel Project to all Pastors and Parochial Vicars of the Archdiocese of San Francisco and asked them to seriously consider this ministry in their parishes. In his letter, the Archbishop stated that The Gabriel Project is a practical, effective way for parishes to reach out to women in difficult pregnancies with real, concrete help. It embodies the practical support that the bishops promise pregnant women.

Learn more about The Gabriel Project: